Buzz Cut vs Crew Cut

Buzz Cut vs. Crew Cut: Assessing The Two Giants Among Masculine Hairdos!

While giving in to bold looks and experimenting with the edgier side of fashion can really make you stand out in a room full of people, sometimes, keeping it simple is the way to go. Although you can incorporate that into your wardrobe by following a minimalist lifestyle and keeping tabs on trends in the world of frugal aesthetics, swapping your existing hairstyle with shorter, more masculine looks could be another valuable move to consider.

Before trying out bold looks like crop cuts and short textured quiffs, throw into the mix the likelihood of buzz cuts and crew cuts, two prominent names in the world of low-maintenance hairdos!

At the end of the day, it’s quite easy to differentiate a buzz cut from a crew cut and vice versa, but even easier to assume that both of them cater to the same occasion. And if you’re a newbie trying to learn everything about a buzz cut versus a crew cut, from their visuals to how you can pull them off, buckle up and stay with us until the end!

Everything You Need To Know About A Buzz Cut

Whether you’re suffering from a receding hairline, a victim of male pattern baldness, or simply having a tough time coping with the unbearable heat of summer, a buzz cut can be your knight in shining armor. The look is usually brought into existence by obtaining the closest possible shave on the scalp. However, it can also be incorporated using a trimmer for higher lengths, and modified with shavers for precision.

While the original look remains a prominent option in the fashion scene, a buzz cut can be created in various ways. Some of the go-to variations include the involvement of a uniform buzz cut and the sharp visuals of the triple zero buzz cut. Using comb attachments and t-blade trimmers, a buzz cut can also mesh with a crop cut or precise shape-ups.

Despite being a hairdo with a basic personality, the buzz cut is seen as a favorable look for many. Although it is mainly glorified for its ability to battle against signs of hair loss, a buzz cut is also desirable for its low-maintenance upkeep and limitless compatibility. The hairdo pairs exceptionally well with different shades of hair dye and usually requires a 2-minute rinse for a thorough clean. On most occasions, a buzz cut can also bring forward the best in one’s facial structure.

6 Classic And Effortless Ways To Style A Buzz Cut!

A buzz cut can be a good option to have in your arsenal to save more time from your packed schedule, but it is also a good asset because of the way it shape-shifts to meet the styling needs of fashionistas. Sure, it does lack the length to pull off voluminous and elevated designs, but it can be enhanced through the assistance of different styling tools, and a range of hues!

And to display just how high the ceiling is of a buzz cut, here are some magnificent options for the notable hairdo that surely walks the walk!

Number 2 Buzz Cut

Number 2 Buzz Cut

A number 2 buzz cut can be the perfect upgrade if you have a receding hairline, want something that requires 5 minutes to get ready, or live in a humid environment. If you have a lean face, you may also find contentment in the way it will highlight your distinct facial features

Bleached Buzz Cut

Bleached Buzz Cut

Sooner or later, things tend to become monotone. A buzz cut is no exception, however, since it too becomes too plain in the eyes of many after a few months. And while growing it out could be a go-to solution, you may also try bleaching your hair for finding some temporary contentment!

Uniform Buzz Cut

Buzz Cut with Wispy French Crop

If you’re about to give yourself a buzz cut, make the procedure as easy as possible with this entry, which comprises the incorporation of a uniform buzz cut. While a clipper with a 1 guard comb attachment will be enough to get the job done, you can also break the process down into various lengths with bigger guards if you happen to be a first-timer.

Buzz Cut with Wispy French Crop

Buzz Cut with Wispy French Crop

A buzz cut doesn’t have enough room for pulling off comb overs, slick backs, or short quiffs, but it is eligible enough to replicate this french crop with wispy ends. To enhance the final outcome, you may either pair the crop cut with a disconnected skin fade or turn over a new leaf by adding a vibrant hair color!

Laid-back Buzz With Taper

Laid Back Buzz with Taper

Another excellent variation of a buzz cut that you should look into as a first-timer is this laid-back variant, which contains a bit of length to fight back against awkward phases. While the taper is necessary for adding to the fullness, the length on top can be shortened or grown out by a small portion based on your taste in fashion.

A Rewind On The Formation And Influence Of A Crew Cut

The second best option to a buzz cut is a crew cut, which doesn’t highlight the structure of one’s jawline and cheekbones as much, but presents hair enthusiasts with plenty of rope. Once the strands of a buzz cut start gaining some mass and density, a crew cut is formed with the use of thinning shears, haircutting scissors, and one of the many styling products.

A crew cut looks just as promising as a buzz cut, but brings a ton of new elements into the mix for one to utilize. Since the strands are slightly grown out, a crew cut offers users more options to recreate. With a crew cut, incorporating texture-oriented and edgy looks like crop cuts, faux hawks, and quiffs is just as easy as wearing toned-down looks like comb overs, slick backs, etc. While securing the position of each hairstyle could be more time-consuming on a crew cut, the look is worth the hassle due to all the designs that one can replicate under the guidance of the hairdo!

Justifying A Crew Cut’s Versatility With 6 Prime Variations!

If you’re suiting up for an event or completely nervous regarding the party you’re heading out for, a crew cut will work above and beyond to amp up your appearance, and increase your self-esteem.

While the popular figure tends to be complex for many to comprehend due to the styling process that each of its designs comprises, a crew cut can very well be a bang for its buck once you eventually get the hang of its chameleon-like aura, and unfathomable flair! And if you’re completely unaware of the measures you need to take for replicating the hairdo as well as oblivious to the note-worthy haircuts that it flawlessly enables one to possess, skim through the following entries consisting of a crew cut’s multipurpose forms!

Military Crew Cut With Low Fade

Military Crew Cut with Low Fade

If you’re seeking something that feels like a buzz cut, but consider yourself ineligible for your round-shaped face, consider pulling off this military crew cut, a look that is virtually identical to its counterpart. Unlike a normal buzz, however, this look is a specialist in giving the face a slimming effect.

Cropped Crew Cut Skin Fade

Cropped Crew Cut with Skin Fade

A buzz cut can be enough to tone down signs of male pattern baldness but will be unhelpful if you want to hide that big forehead of yours. Worry not, however, as with this crop-infused crew cut, the volume of your hair will benefit just as much as your wide forehead!

Textured Crew Cut With One On The Side

Textured Crew Cut with one on The Side

To maximize the fullness of your short strands, experimenting with a shorter, textured look like this will be sufficient. While you can introduce more shine to the visuals with the help of water-based hair pomades, try using texturizing powder for increasing the concentration of the hair dye. Don’t take the one on the sides for granted, as it’s a crucial component for enhancing the edgy visuals!

Flat Stress-free Combover

Flat Stress Free Combover

This entry right here is a crew cut for everyone, involving a design with a comb-over to offer a natural amount of volume. The look is as easy to maintain as it is to style, as a simple wash will enable this combover to stay in place for days!

Crew Cut With Relaxed Faux Hawk

Crew Cut with Relaxed Faux Hawk

If you will shorten your length anyway, consider doing it in style with this relaxed faux hawk. The volume isn’t just the only good part about this look, as it also offers a hassle-free styling routine with no hair product at all!

Buzz Cut Vs. Crew Cut: Tackling Their Differences And Finding Common Ground

A buzz cut and crew cut are two of the best options to strive with if you’re exhausted from maintaining your current long hairdo. Due to their high success rates, the two are also considered safe bets to make when exploring one’s taste in fashion.

Between the two big shots lies a series of similar characteristics, which could explain why this bout feels like a neck-and-neck battle.

However, despite belonging to the same category, both of them can easily be differentiated due to the contributing factors that separate them. From specializing in different fields to catering to the same cause, here are all the notable differences and similarities between a buzz cut against a crew cut!

Formation And Versatility

As stated earlier, a crew cut and buzz cut are completely different from the start, requiring different techniques to be brought to life.

Buzz cuts are usually shaped and formed using trimmers for a compact and narrow outlook, but are also created with different types of comb attachments or guards for more length. To expose the scalp a bit more, an electric shaver with a narrow-gap blade needs to be used.

On the other hand, crew cuts are slightly grown out in contrast to buzz cuts. The strands are either shortened with clippers or grown out by a tad bit to offer more flexibility.

Styling And Maintenance Routine

Since a buzz cut doesn’t have much length to offer, each shower feels short lived with this hairdo, taking a few minutes at most. The look is also beneficial to wear if you take quite some time to get ready, as some hair styling clay or texturizing powder is enough to maintain the short strands for an admirable number of hours.

A crew cut, on that note, isn’t as easy to maintain. In addition to requiring frequent haircuts to look good at all times, a crew cut also requires more time for styling, requiring an additional set of tools for wearing elevated looks.

Compatibility With Different Looks

Due to having lengthier hair pieces, a crew cut welcomes more hairdos, both voluminous and textured, enabling it to cater to formal events as well as casual kickbacks with friends. The visuals can even be enhanced exceptionally with the use of highlights, lowlights, and patterned fades.

This is where a buzz cut falls short, however. While there are various lengths of a buzz cut, it fails to be a reliable companion for experimenting with density-rich hairdos. But, with an ability to pair well with any given hair dye, and being the perfect match for bold Aztec patterns, a buzz cut regains its credibility, and does so magnificently.

Impact On One’s Appearance

A buzz cut and crew cut should definitely be on your list if you want your face to look more defined with sharp jawlines and better cheekbones. However, if your face shape is a bit round or chubby, you will most likely benefit from a crew cut more than the former.

Buzz Cut Or Crew Cut? Factors To Consider Before Making Your Pick!

Due to many factors and more, both buzz cuts and crew cuts may fall short of living up to their potential. Indeed, both of them are easy to implement as long as you have the right tools in hand, and know how to work your way around haircutting. However, if certain requirements aren’t met, you might find yourself battling with an undesirable outcome.

That’s precisely where this portion comes in. To avoid any sort of botched procedure or regrettable decisions, try skimming through our list of major factors to contemplate before picking between a buzz cut and a crew cut!

Face Shape and Hair Type

A buzz cut doesn’t require much in terms of density, but only requires a little bit of confidence from the user before coming into existence. While it is praised for rejuvenating the confidence of those suffering from hair shedding, the hairdo looks a bit off when paired with round face shapes.

Furthermore, for a crew cut, your hair might need some natural volume or thickness, especially if you don’t want to expose your bald patch. However, taking into account the range of looks one can replicate, finding the right option for your face shape should be easy.

On an additional note, if you’d like to learn more about face shapes’ importance in shaping up one’s styling experience, read this article!

Daily Schedule

If you’re relatively active and workout almost every other day, the presence of a buzz cut and crew cut will surely be of help. However, if your packed routine gives you very little time for fixing your hair, don’t hesitate when ditching the stylistic demands of a crew cut over the low-maintenance aura of a buzz!


A buzz cut is also praised for how easy it is to create since it requires one piece of equipment for maintenance and creation. And if you have enough guts to use a clipper, you can probably get a buzz cut at this very moment, that too without spending a single penny!

Since the textured appeal and relaxed visuals of a crew cut makes it as desirable as it always has been, regular grooming sessions are mandatory with a crew cut, which can prove to be costly in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

With what’s been unveiled so far, we hope you’re able to acknowledge just how promising a buzz cut and a crew cut could be if you’re bold enough. Since both of them have tons in common and have plenty of variations under their belts, finding a convenient look that resonates with your styling preferences should be a walk in the park!

However, if you’re somehow stuck between a rock and a hard place still, and weren’t able to soak up anything about the two hairstyles covered in this write-up, try tackling your pending issues of doubt with the following queries and answers!

Q: How is a buzz cut different from a crew cut?

A: The first noticeable difference between a buzz cut and a crew cut is found in their creation process. A buzz cut is typically created with a zero guard trimmer or a shaver with a narrow gap blade for maximum benefits. However, one can also add a tad bit more length by shaving their head with a comb attachment.

On the contrary, a crew cut, despite being a subordinate of a buzz cut, comprises longer hair strands, giving users more room to carry out new hairstyles.

While a crew cut is prominent for its trait of allowing users to experiment with multiple elongated hairstyles, a buzz cut offers a faster shower routine, brings out more distinct features on one’s face, and is compatible with patterns and different shades of hair colour!

Q: Will a buzz cut or crew cut suit thin hair?

A: A buzz cut is known for being the ultimate remedy for those with thinning hair, a receded widow’s peak, and a receding hairline. For severe cases, a buzz cut usually offers the triple-zero version to add some fullness and give one’s face a slimming effect. Furthermore, for covering thin patches, users can also benefit from rocking cropped buzz cuts or draping their existing buzzed look in a vibrant dye.

However, if your hair problems are far from severe, and your primary concern revolves around a lack of density, a simple crew cut will be sufficient. To add more concentration to your neutral hair color, you may pair your crew cut with a skin fade. But, if you do want some flair on your crew cut, consider exploring its texture-oriented options!

Final Takeaway

Regardless of your age, switching to a buzz cut or obtaining a crew cut could be two moves to take into account to change your appeal for the better overnight. While both are drastically different in terms of appearance and typically require completely separate procedures for maintenance and creation, a crew cut, as well as a buzz cut, could be companions that will be the perfect match to your knack for short haircuts.

The options won’t only change forms in multiple ways to suit your face shape and add some extra thickness to your thinning hair, but they will also feel quite comfortable with frequent changes in scenery.

On a separate note, if you feel indecisive when making your pick, know that there are tons of solutions to come out of your dilemma. And while the former segment will surely take a chunk off your plate, analyzing your hair type, measuring your facial structure, and examining the weather forecast of your environment will be just as helpful!

That’s all for now! If you did find this issue helpful, but also feel that we missed out on a major element, convey the message by leaving a comment. To reward yourself with more finely-tuned materials regarding every hairdo that has been discovered so far, get a glimpse of Hairstyles Feed, the ideal hub for your styling needs!

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